Sunday, September 5, 2010

The saga continues

I knew from the moment I got the idea of making a documentary for my parents that it was going to be the toughest project in my career (atleast so far). And it has proved just that. Infact I did not expect it to be this hard. Nothing has worked out at all. My siblings are not funding it like I had figured nor are they willing to appear in it which will be a blow to my parents because you can not talk about their lives without talking about their children who have affected many of the decisions thay have made in their life time. I have also met dead ends with the people I should intreview. Basically, I am broke, disapointed and frustrated.
Even in the midist of this storm, I feel I am getting stronger. The people who are helpful in this project are the ones I will consider true friends and those who woun't... I will see when I get there.
On a happier note, I attended Connie and Ronalds wedding which was in Busia yesterday. I spent a great deal of the day working on their montage that was supposed to show at the wedding. This same documentary took me into kenya because electricity was off on the Uganda side. Found myself seated in a pharmacy store accross the border for three hours trying to get the work done. Even though the documentary was not screened because the weather cut us short, it was worth it. I was happy that I met my end of the deal that Dennis and I had discussed two months earlier. There were times I did not think much of it, that I could bail out any time. But I am glad I did not. I guess it is true what they say, "A man is only as good as his word."
I am happy for the couple, Ronald and Constance. It was a great honor doing their documentray. I learnt what to look for in a partner. And when you watch the documentary, you will discover that the two were meant for each other. The two resore hope to a generation that has long forgotten that love exists. They inspired me to be patient for the right girl to come along that will have just as much love for me like I will have for her. Love indeed is a wonderful gift.